Saturday, July 23, 2016

Chest Flys, Dumbbells vs. Cable

I'll stick with an injury theme.

When you exercise regularly, you'll deal with injuries or pain due to over use, that's just how it goes. It's a good trade off from dealing with being sick, and/or over weight. I mentioned in May, I was dealing with a sore left shoulder. I have a gut feeling, it's due to doing Dumbbell Chest Flys.

Reading about Dumbbell Chest Flys, yes they can irritate your shoulders, because they put too much pressure on your shoulders when your arms are at the bottom of the movement, at our sides. I enjoy Dumbbell Chest Flys, and didn't want to stop including them in my chest exercises. After thinking about it, I was wondering if Cable Chest Flys were better for our shoulders. According to this article, they are! Performing them while standing, is better for our shoulders then lying down. Plus the tension is constant during the entire movement when using Cables, compared to Dumbbells, when there's no tension when the Dumbbells are at the top of the movement, above our heads.

I don't have a Cable Gym, but I do have a lot of workout bands and a door anchor, which works the same as a Cable Gym.

You can read more about the difference between Dumbbell Flys and Cable Flys here:

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